Financial Stability

We Fight For:

United Way Blackhawk Region 211 logo

Need help?

211 specialists can connect you with a wide range of resources and services. Simply dial 211 from your cell phone or landline anywhere in Wisconsin.

COVID-19 Response

Thanks to the generosity of our community, United Way is helping families and people in need access critical information and providing relief to those left vulnerable by the pandemic.

Learn more
Mother and father coloring with their young son

We Fight For Financial Stability

United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community. 

By securing housing and other basic needs for struggling families, we are helping people get back on their feet. A path to financial empowerment starts with access to services, job-skills training, and money management programs.

Breaking the Cycle

What decisions would you make with limited resources? Experience the same unexpected dilemmas and choices that millions of families living in poverty face every day.

Program Partners Spotlight

United Way partners with and provides funding to the following local organizations to increase financial stability in the Blackhawk Region:

Other Initiatives

United Way also invests in the following financial stability initiatives:

United for ALICE logo

ALICE: A Study of Financial Hardship in Wisconsin

The United Way ALICE Initiative is a collaborative research effort identifying and communicating the needs of the voiceless part of our communities; allowing for local change-makers to understand, measure, and advance change to improve the lives of ALICE households, ultimately strengthening our communities.


My Free Taxes logo

MyFreeTaxes across the United States

MyFreeTaxes provides free federal and state tax preparation and filing assistance for qualifying individuals and families. Through the partnership of United Way and H&R Block, it is the first online initiative allowing free federal and state tax prep and filing in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Individuals or families with a household income of $66,000 or less can prepare and file taxes for free on

Only one in five people who qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) take advantage of it. Many do not even know they qualify. That’s why MyFreeTaxes promotes critical tax credits like the EITC and Child Credit.