Community Action of Rock and Walworth Counties, Inc.

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Funded Nonprofit Partner Agency

Community Action of Rock and Walworth Counties, Inc.

Funded program(s)

After School & Summer Youth Program, Merrill Community Center provides after school and summer programming from youth ages 7-12 that reside in the Merrill Neighborhood. The program will focus on three (3) core areas. The after-school program will provide homework assistance and tutoring in order to ensure academic success. We will also provide character education programming that will promote self-esteem, respect for peers, promote healthy choices to avoid risky behaviors and provide education to prevent bullying. The summer program will include academic enrichment, character education and recreational activities in collaboration with the Beloit YMCA and the Stateline Boys and Girls Club.

AWARE partners with organizations, organizes and mobilizes efforts to address the service needs of low-income households in Evansville. AWARE qualifies and enrolls households in programming; provides backpacks and supplemental food for low-income students to eat outside of school; organizes local resource drives (food, personal items, school supplies, coats, holiday gifts); recruits, trains and organizes volunteers to collect, pack and distribute resources to qualified households. 

Community Kids Learning Centers are state licensed programs that provide child care services to area children at sites in the Janesville and Beloit area. The tuition assistance program provides assistance to area low income families with their child care cost while they maintain employment and/or attend additional career training through local schools. Community Kids meets the child care needs of low-income families who frequently do not have access to regular weekly scheduled employment and comprehensive benefits. 

Fresh Start is an education and job training program that provides at-risk youth opportunities to help themselves while helping others in the community. Youth are enrolled full time. Half of their time is spent in an intensive individualized educational program to complete their high school education with the remainder of their time spent on a construction site.

Transitional Living Program is open to homeless, single, pregnant or parenting teen in the city of Beloit between the ages of 18 and 23 and who are currently active in the TPC or Fresh Start programs. Participants are eligible to receive 18 months of rent assistance and 24 months of intensive case management.

Project Thrive is a job training and educational program that targets parents of children under the age of 18 and who are unemployed. Project Thrive addresses employment barriers primarily through an evidence based cognitive behavior approach with 40 hours of classroom and group instruction. In addition, mock interviews, resume assistance, and employment search. The ultimate goal of the program is to secure employment for the participants which will lead to increased self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and also an increased parenting skills.

Agency contact(s)
Marc Perry
Executive Director
Mailing address(es)
20 Eclipse Center
, WI
Phone number(s)