Day of Caring

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2024 UWBR Day of Caring logo

Day of Caring returns for 2024!

United Way Blackhawk Region (UWBR)’s Day of Caring is an annual day of action that connects teams of corporate volunteers with community service projects from across the Blackhawk Region (Rock County, WI and northern Winnebago County, IL). Volunteer teams roll up their sleeves and provide much-needed manpower to complete half or full day projects they’re assigned to at local organizations.


Projects are open to ALL nonprofits, including local agencies, service clubs, public schools, municipal partners, and community organizations in the Blackhawk Region. Please see below to view frequently asked questions about projects.

Volunteer Teams

UWBR will do our best to accommodate hundreds of volunteers, but reserve the opportunity to right-size the event based on project needs.

We limit volunteer teams ONLY to corporate partners that facilitate United Way campaigns.

Please be reminded, Team Leads are responsible for helping to disseminate Day of Caring info to their Team members. The registration deadline is firm to ensure Day of Caring t-shirts arrive in time.

Day of Caring Registration

The 2024 Day of Caring will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 11. All projects begin at 9 a.m. and run until they are completed.

Volunteer participation in Day of Caring is a benefit afforded to corporate partners that facilitate United Way campaigns. If you have any questions, please see the FAQ section below or email

Registration for UWBR Corporate Partners to register teams and Nonprofit/Community Organizations to submit projects ends on Friday, Aug. 9.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is United Way’s Day of Caring?

It is an annual day of action that connects teams of corporate volunteers with nonprofits from across the Blackhawk Region (Rock County and northern Winnebago County). Volunteer teams roll up their sleeves and provide much-needed manpower to complete projects they’re assigned to at local agencies.

What time do Day of Caring projects start?

Projects begin and 9 a.m. and run until they are completed.

Our agency is not a United Way Funded Partner – may we still participate in Day of Caring?

Absolutely! Day of Caring is open to all nonprofits, community organizations, service clubs, etc.

What kinds of projects do nonprofits submit for Day of Caring?

It depends on the needs of your organization, creativity and resources. Projects have included but are not limited to: yardwork, painting, landscaping, deep cleaning, disseminating flyers, supply/pantry organization, donation room sorting, fence building, assembly of furniture and playground equipment, construction of Little Free Libraries, delivering flowers to home-bound neighbors, creating welcome kits for shelter guests, clerical or administrative projects such as bulk mail collation, etc.

I have questions about whether or not our project would be a good fit.

Ask us! Just send an email to and we’ll do our best to accommodate you. Safety is our top priority. United Way reviews all project requests and reserves the right to refuse any, for any reason.

What will our agency need to do to prepare for Day of Caring?

We suggest appointing a Project Lead for each project within your organization. This person is responsible for planning, gathering supplies, developing instructions, etc. If you’re a lean team, consider asking a board member or volunteer to step up to the plate. If you have satellite locations, you should have a Project Lead at each facility. Please keep safety top of mind in all preparations.

Is there cost associated with Day of Caring?

Yes, depending on your projects. Nonprofits hosting Day of Caring projects are responsible for providing any required supplies, materials, tools, equipment, etc. for the completion of your project(s). Many agencies are resourceful to ensure cost effective projects, such as borrowing or renting equipment, seeking donations, etc. The in-kind human capital or sweat equity presents huge cost savings! Nonprofits are also expected to provide lunch for their volunteers.

Should our agency plan to provide lunch for Day of Caring volunteers?

Yes. Nonprofits are required to provide lunch for Day of Caring volunteers. Some volunteers prefer to do lunch on their own, but agencies are expected to offer it.

May we submit more than one Day of Caring project?

Yes, you’re welcome to submit multiple projects but please complete a separate registration form for each one.

May we ask volunteers to bring items along?

Yes, but your agency is responsible for required supplies, materials, tools, equipment, etc. Helpful reminders you may suggest to volunteers include work or gardening gloves, sunscreen, bug spray, kneeling pads, etc.

What is something agencies forget to do on the Day of Caring?

Often agencies are so focused on the task or projects at hand, they forget to seize the opportunity to educate and inspire Day of Caring volunteers about their mission. Warmly welcome volunteers with a brief tour, talk about why your agency exists and the value it brings to our community. Remember, there may be potential volunteers, donors or allies in the room. Last but not least, don’t forget to say thank you!

Wisconsin weather is unpredictable …

Indeed! Please be prepared to keep volunteers hydrated throughout the day. You may also consider having on hand extra fans, umbrellas, etc.

Is there an alternative Day of Caring date in the event of inclement weather?

No. Given the myriad logistics associated with this event, we are unable to schedule a make-up day. Volunteer teams and project sites are encouraged to connect directly to discuss inside projects, make alternative arrangements, etc.

Will additional communication on Day of Caring be provided?

Yes, after you register a project you will receive a confirmation email. You will also receive notification of what teams have been assigned to your project(s) after registration closes. That communique will include additional info in advance of the event. Otherwise, submit questions to

Should we publicize our Day of Caring participation via social media?

Absolutely! Before and after photos are awesome. Please post directly to United Way Blackhawk Region’s Facebook page or tweet @UnitedWayBR. Use the hashtags: #DayofCaring #LiveUnited