Beloit Meals on Wheels

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Funded Nonprofit Partner Agency

Beloit Meals on Wheels

Funded program(s)

Home Delivered Meals delivers warm, nutritious meals to the elderly, ill and handicapped in the greater Beloit area. Volunteers deliver meals using their own vehicles and gas, delivering meals 7 days a week, 365 days a year including holidays. During the intake process clients are also screened for additional needs, and information and referrals are made — such as making a connection for Lifeline Service — which enables the client to remain independent in their home. Additionally, the daily delivery provides a well-being check on the client as well as a friendly visit.

Agency contact(s)
Ellen Wiegand
Executive Director
Mailing address(es)
1534 Shore Dr.
P.O. Box 326
, WI
Phone number(s)