Stateline Literacy Council

We Fight For:

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Funded Nonprofit Partner Agency

Stateline Literacy Council

Funded program(s)

Adult Basic Education Program (ABE/GED) Stateline Literacy Council (SLC) is the only agency in the region to offer an ABE/GED program in Spanish. By developing basic skills in reading, writing, social studies, math, and computers, students prepare to pass the GED exam, which gives them opportunities to find full-time employment, seek promotion, and/or meet eligibility requirements for enrollment in a college or certificate program.

English Language Learner Program (ELL) is designed to assist this demographic learn and enhance their English language skills. Students enroll in ELL classes for self-sufficiency, better employment opportunities, better integration into our communities, and to participate in their children’s schooling. Some also learn English to apply to become U.S. citizens.

Agency contact(s)
Sharon Alcala
Program Coordinator
Mailing address(es)
605 Eclipse Blvd.
, WI
Phone number(s)