The Salvation Army of Rock County

We Fight For:

United Way Blackhawk Region 211 logo

Need help?

211 specialists can connect you with a wide range of resources and services. Simply dial 211 from your cell phone or landline anywhere in Wisconsin.

COVID-19 Response

Thanks to the generosity of our community, United Way is helping families and people in need access critical information and providing relief to those left vulnerable by the pandemic.

Learn moreDonate now

Funded Nonprofit Partner Agency

The Salvation Army of Rock County

Funded program(s)

Feeding Program serves lunch.

Emergency Assistance Program includes, but is not limited to general casework – case management opportunities, motel vouchers, utility assistance, thrift store vouchers, and transportation assistance, rental assistance, our food pantry – available to any family in need.

Agency contact(s)
Majors Thomas and Julie McDowell
Mailing address(es)
514 Sutherland Avenue
, WI
Phone number(s)