Edgerton Community Outreach

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COVID-19 Response

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Funded Nonprofit Partner Agency

Edgerton Community Outreach

Funded program(s)

Client Services Program provides a wide variety of services to low income families in the Edgerton School District area. The program assists with short-term financial emergencies and provides longer term supportive programming to help increase participants’ level of self-sufficiency. Services include transportation vouchers, minor car repairs, prescription assistance, utility bill payment assistance, motel vouchers for homeless; one month emergency rent assistance, longer term rent assistance, and two units of transitional housing for up to 18 months.

Food Pantry Program assists with non-perishable food and perishable food vouchers by providing a nutritional two week supply of canned goods and perishables (milk, eggs, bread, and frozen meats) to ensure that no one in our community goes hungry.

Agency contact(s)
Sarah Williams
Mailing address(es)
106 South Main Street
, WI
Phone number(s)